The Choir Genius Blog
All about Choir and Chorus Management - tips from the Choir Geniuses
Choir Spotlight #1: Northwest Boychoir & VocalPoint! Seattle
Check out this exclusive interview with the manager behind the magic, Maria Johnson, Executive Director of Northwest Boychoir & VocalPoint! Seattle.
What’s New At Groupanizer
It’s a big day today, the first time we released any new products for six whole years!
If you're involved in any groups in your life (and really aren't we all?) stick around to learn about about the TWO new platforms launched by Groupanizer, group automation software.
We've been doing this since 2009 and the last major Choir Genius update was about six years ago. So you might wonder, why did we do this? Why did we decide to make a brand new Choir Genius platform from scratch when we already had hundreds and hundreds of happy groups using our previous platform? Well, there are a few reasons.
What is Choir Management Software and why do you need it?
It’s like all the voices of a choir singing in harmony. It works in that effortless way. “The zone” can be reached by choir managers too. You’ve got this!
How Bellevue Youth Choirs keeps things fun and easy for children and parents using Choir Genius!
“Choir Genius has made life easier by consolidating many separate tools into one program. Previously, we depended on a webmaster, but now I’m able to update the website myself or even delegate to a volunteer. Best of all, as a smaller company Choir Genius really connects with its customers. I’ve been able to receive excellent support for whatever questions I’ve had.”