Choir Genius for Community Choirs and Choruses

*Everything you need for as low as $20 per month

Whether you’re managing 10 singers, or 200, running a community choir can feel a lot like herding cats.

The day-to-day responsibilities are overwhelming; You have events to schedule, emails to send, attendance to take, fundraisers to plan, registration to set up, volunteers to manage and so much more…


Meet Choir Genius, your new best friend.

Choir Genius is an organizational toolkit for choir managers (aka online cat-herder!) that can save you money, sanity, and dozens of hours of administrative labor.


Things community choirs love.

  • Automated registration, invoicing, and payment processing

    “Most of our support comes from membership dues. In the past we had manual registration paperwork and forms for people to fill out. Payments had to be managed separately and tracked on a spreadsheet. That has been a big pain in the past because technology didn't talk to each other. Now we have a "membership welcome packet", with forms built directly into the choir genius site (including audio/video permission forms, fee agreement etc.) and members can pay online. We are so excited to NOT HAVE TO TRACK ALL THE THINGS ourselves.” - Zia Singers

  • Digital sheet music library

    “the most extensive resource is the online music library. We have broken the rep songs into groups that align to performance sets. New members focus on one set at a time, so they can participate in performance as soon as possible.” - Metro Nashville Chorus

  • Easy to use self-serve member accounts

    “…now that it's set up members are figuring it out easily. Most people are finding it quite intuitive, and everyone is using it.“ - Maria Johnson, Northwest Choirs

  • Event Management and Ticket Sales

    “Ticketing with Choir Genius is a game changer! We’ve had dozens of volunteer choir and board members take responsibility for ticket sales over the years. Every volunteer has had a different way of doing things, resulting in multiple accounts on multiple ticketing platforms and a big mess when it comes to record-keeping and communicating with past audience members. Using Choir Genius we’ll be able to keep better records of ticket sales, access them directly through our system and strengthen relationships with audiences long-term. Plus it’s saving us hundreds of dollars in ticket processing fees” - Universal Gospel Choir

Experience the Choir Genius difference
with a 30-day no obligation trial!

Choir Genius was made by choir people,
exclusively for choir leaders like you.
Trust the us to help you get organized, so you have more time to focus on what matters: the music!


Choir management made easy.

…and many more!